Exom Group Srl. - A Clinscience Company

Exom ist das digitale Full-Service CRO, das sich der Modernisierung klinischer Studien durch die Implementierung innovativer digitaler Lösungen verschrieben hat. 

Durch die Kombination unserer Expertise in der Verwaltung klinischer Studien mit unserer proprietären, multimodularen und cloud-basierten Plattform Genius SUITE™ verbessert Exom die Effizienz und erhöht die Prozessgeschwindigkeit, während es gleichzeitig die höchste Datenqualität und Kostenreduzierung von Phase I-IV sicherstellt. 

Als Teil von Clinscience, dem CRO der NEUCA-Gruppe, bietet Exom eine etablierte Organisation, die in ganz Europa und Nordamerika tätig ist. Unsere Mission ist es, die klinische Forschung mit Leidenschaft, Integrität, Transparenz, Fürsorge und Innovation zu erneuern. 

Exom is the full-service digital CRO dedicated to modernizing clinical trials through the implementation of innovative digital solutions. Combining our expertise in clinical trial management with our proprietary, multi-modular, cloud-based Genius SUITE™ platform, Exom improves efficiencies and increases process speed while ensuring the highest data quality and cost reduction from Phase I-IV. As part of Clinscience, the CRO of the NEUCA Group, Exom offers an established organization operating throughout Europe and North America.

Our mission is to innovate clinical research with passion, integrity, transparency, caring and innovation.

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Clinscience invests in Texas-based Agati Group

Clinscience US LLC, a subsidiary of Neuca Group, on 26th of April signed an investment agreement to acquire 51% of shares in Agati Systems. The US-based (Texas) Company, together with its Indian subsidiary, Agati Clinical Informatics, having branches in Bengaluru and Chennai, provides clinical data, regulatory, and custom software services. The Company has a rapidly expanding and robust team of SAS® programmers, clinical data standards SMEs, statisticians, and regulatory experts, who will work hand-in-hand with Clinscience's Data Management & Biostatistics Team.

Picture: Ramanan Bathala, CEO Agati Group and Tomasz Dabrowski, CEO Clinscience

How full digitization will mitigate the disastrous effects of Coronavirus CoVid-19 on clinical trials.

Even before the crisis hit, there had been a push towards the digitization of clinical research, but this epidemic brings with it a greater urgency. The implementation of digital technologies such as remote monitoring of patients and eSource for collecting and verifying data from hospital records could be crucial, not only to overcome the current crisis but above all to avoid similar problems in the future and contribute to respect for the environment.

Exom - proud winner of the Business Excellence Award 2019“

Exom Group is pleased to announce that it received the Business Excellence Award 2019.

The Prize, promoted by the Harvard Business Review and the Italian Stock Exchange, is awarded to companies operating in Italy that have distinguished themselves with their outstanding performance in 2019. The reward honors the capacity for innovation, internationalization, growth, and management of human resources and talent.

Dr. Luigi Visani, CEO & President of Exom Group

Exom named Finalist of the SCRIP AWARDS 2019 in “Best Technological Development in Clinical Trials”

Exom Group, the Global Digital Full-Service CRO, proudly announces that its digital platform Genius ROSA has been nominated Finalist of the Scrip Awards 2019 edition for the category “Best Technological Development in Clinical Trials”. “This nomination confirms the value of Exom’s innovative strategy in implementing novel digital solutions into clinical trials, to better satisfy the industry expectations”, says Luigi Visani MD, President & CEO of Exom Group.